Everything There Is To Know About The Format Of A Research Paper Abstract
Sometimes students find it a little bit challenging to craft a meaningful academic paper. The main reason for this is that they fail to understand what should be included and what should be left out. For example, when it comes writing a research paper, each and every section should be well taken care of. An abstract is an integral part of a term paper and in fact one of the most important sections to say the least. Without an abstract, a term paper would count for something else such as an essay or an article. The question is; why is an abstract so important? Well, an abstract serve a number of function in a term paper with main one being that it gives one a glimpse into the study. Through an abstract, one is able to understand the research design, purpose of a study, tools used in the study and more. This section can determine whether your paper would live to its intended purpose or it would go for another incomplete write up in the history of term paper writing. So, what else should one know about an abstract if not its very purpose in academic paper? Well, many students are still trying to get it right when it comes to crafting this section and particularly how it should be formatted.
Formatting is an integral part of academic writing and so, when you want to get things right from the onset, how you format your abstract matters a lot. In this post, we take you through everything you should know regarding abstract formatting in academic writing.
Scope of writing
When it comes to scope or in other words, the length at which an abstract should be written, it is important to take note of the fact that this should be as brief as possible. Standard rule of the thumb for writing an abstract indicate that it should be about one page to one and half, not more, unless otherwise indicated in your study question. The length of abstract is agreeably important part of overall formatting.
Thesis statement
In writing an abstract, it is important to take care of the main theme and in this case, the research questions, tools, design and methodologies for which it is being written. These should be your keywords and as such, ought to be written first in each and every paragraph. Standard formatting rules based on academic writing style you are using apply.